Custom Printed Gildan T-shirts
If you’ve every purchased, been given, or most certainly seen a custom t-shirt, chances are it’s the Gildan brand. By far the world’s largest blank t-shirt manufacturer and for good reason. They offer the most colors, the best prices, and the highest quality of product. Custom printed Gildan T-shirts are the most common screen printed shirt in the world. This is a company that stays ahead of the trends and offers the most unique colors and blends available in the t-shirt world.
If you are in charge of ordering custom t-shirts we’ll steer you to Gildan unless you have a brand preference. Our name, Talkingink is going to behind the screen printing your custom t-shirts and we want to make sure we are printing on quality. That’s not to say there aren’t better options, but bang for your buck quality, Gildan is the way to go.
They have a variety of styles including 2 – 100% preshrunk cotton tees, dryblend tees, soft tees, 2 – 100% poly performance tees, and everything else from hoodies to crewnecks to v-necks to ladies and youth styles. What’s more is they do a great job of making a lot of colods available in both youth and adult so they are a great option for schools, churches, foundations, family reunions, and any occasion where custom t-shirts are going to be for both youth and adults.
When it comes to availability and stock of Gildan t-shirts, they have the best stock available in the most places. Let’s put it this way, there isn’t an apparel distributor who doesn’t carry Gildan shirts. They are located all around the world and multiple vendors from which we order have them placed so that screen printing companies can get them quickly.
One shirt style offers over 80 colors. That’s huge, that’s a color for everyone. In 20 years we’ve yet had a customer say they didn’t find a color they like in a Gildan line.
If you’re in the market for a quality well priced custom t-shirt be shirt to check out Gildan.